Who's behind the mask? Killer Hall PVP
2022-10-16 07:11
Well, the great sects on the Gypsy received the secret letter sent by Mystical Guy himself, talking about the fact that there was a group of assassins hiding in the killer hall, plotting to act against the sect master. This organization is called The Assassins, held by Li Daxue, one of the four notorious great evils on the Gypsy in the past.
In order to destroy this evil force, punishing the Gypsies, Master Martial Lin Ming immediately sent a summons to the great sects, inviting the hero from all over the world to rush to KILLER HALL OF FAME to investigate the truth of Assassin behind the mask.
Your adventure journey will start here:
- Content Rules
- Participate
- Awards
Update Time:
- Operations will be updated after maintenance on AA / OCTOBER / 2022.
Content Rules:
- The activity takes place every day at the following times:
09:30 - 10:30 / 12:30 - 13:30 / 21:30 - 22:30.
- The character has a caste greater than level 60 or above.
- At the same time promote at least 1 level of skill 55.
How To Join
- Per day can pay only 4 tasks.
- Any member of the team that opens the chest, all team members are counted.
- Admission fee x1 Killer Hall Mask per member.
- When defeated or get killed by another player, participate to re-entry is charge free.
NPCs and related items
Use x1 Killer Hall Mask to participate Killer Hall Fame with Mystical Guy.
Killer Hall Mask
Mystical Guy
226/222 (ChengDu)
Killer Hall Room Map
If the character having the "Killer Hall Mask", the character goes to ChengDu 226/222 to dialogue with the "Mystical Guy".
How To Join:
Distribution Map
In order to create favorable conditions for the masters to eradicate the evil forces, Master Martial Lin Ming sent infiltrators, redrawing the layout of the Assassin and informing the world. Assassin Street consists of 3 rooms, each with a grand master:
High-Level Defenses Stage
Lord of incense
Li Dazui
**Rules Of Battle
Rules Of Battle in Assassin Street Killer Hall of Fame
Mysterious Player (Name Tag)
After Entering Killer Hall Assassin Street:
- In charge of area is Unpunished PK.
- All characters will switch to Berserk Mode (PK RED).
- It is impossible to look up the information of other characters (except for the character team). All character names are shown as "Mysterious Player".
Road Killer Hall Rewards
Killer Hall Of Fame's Store
- Every day 1 character can only pay the task 4 times.
- Just open 1 of 3 types of chests, you can pay the task and receive the corresponding reward (can complete the task of all 3 chests/mission return).
- For example:
The character who completes opening all 3 types of chests: Will returning the mission with 1 Road Assassin Mask will receive all 3 types of rewards: 45,000,000 exp + 70 gold + 6 hero medals.
- With 4 missions, each day the character can receive up to 180 million experiences, 280 gold and 24 Hero Medals.
- When 1 member of the team opens a chest, the other members in team also receive a chest opening reward.
- Regardless of the character level, the characters all receive the same number of experience points and rewards.
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