Defeating the Curse Soul Boss of Obscurant Fragment

2022-10-07 01:29

Defeating the Curse Soul Boss of Obscurant Fragment

● Event Detail:

  • Event Duration: Permanent
  • Event Target: Defeating the Curse Soul Evil

  • Boss Located:
  • 11:00 AM: South Of Chengdu 192 / 180
  • 5:00 PM: North Of QuanZhou 181 / 199
  • 10:00 PM: West Of BianJing 190 / 189

  • Boss Will Appear For : 60 Minutes

● Defeating Boss:

  • After defeated the Curse Soul Boss the hunter (boss killer) will immediately obtained x5 Obscurant Fragment.

  • And after BOSS dead will appear Curse Soul Box x3 nearby the location boss dead.

  • In each Curse Soul Box contained x5 Obscurant Fragment inside, and the box will stand for 5 minutes after BOSS dead.

● To Pick Up the Curse Soul:

  • Item Require: N/A
  • Level Require: 60 or above to pick up the box
  • PK Status: Must be in any PK mode changed to pick up the box.
  • Fighting Status: Heroes must be in combat status to pick up the box

● Note:

The item obtains from this event is tradable.