Emei Sword Revamped!

2022-09-06 03:59

Emei Sword Revamped

Emei Sword

Fang Zheng, the ancestor of the Fang clan in Penglai, was a disciple of Guiguzi. After Guiguzi traveled around, Fang Zheng was in charge of island affairs. Isolated from the rest of the world on the East China Sea, the islanders, adhering to the Hundred Schools of thought inherited from the pre-Qin Dynasty, gradually formed four major schools of law, ink, Taoism and medicine. The Penglai martial arts "Linghai Jue" is derived from Fang Gan's swordsmanship from Guigu, which combines the martial arts of Cang Tianjun and the sword attack of Tianzhu Jialan monks. The elegant sword dance is combined with the smart palm technique, and the Penglai ancestral carving skills are used to protect and assist itself, forming a unique legendary martial art.

Revamped Emei Sword Skills

Lotus Heart

Skill description: The Lotus Heart as the cap of limited casting speed provide or buffering to teammate has 80% after revamped now Lotus Heart is increased limited casting speed

from 80% to -> 110%

Skill attributes: depend on character VITALITY

**Before Lotus Heart Revamp:

**After Lotus Heart Revamped:

Peaceful Chant

Skill description: The Peaceful Chant as the skill effect on enemy target remove buff or debuff target skill by chance, after revamped now Peaceful Chant is effective to stop enemy target movement for 90% or clear all enemy negative effect by chance.

**Before Peaceful Chant Revamp:

**After Peaceful Chant Revamped:

**The Peaceful Chant Art:

The Peaceful Chant Art in this patch is cap effective of support to cut off the cooldown of the skill nerf from: 270 ratios to 170 ratios (cap by % percentage calculated by the scroll using.)

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